


Inspired by an all-times masterpiece of Michelangelo, Yakov Kandinov have decided to implement Masters talents, soul purity and decorative manner in this project.

It was a spacey living room with a finest furniture in classic natural tones that have asked for the same harmony on the walls.

Based on the Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco, Yakov has applied the similar technique for a spiritual unity on a Heavenly theme.

The mural was kept in original pastel based colors, with a near-natural fading effect, so that a copy of an ancient beauty have become a integral part of the interior.

St. Jeremee has taken a top-central place in the composition, acting as a emotional balance on the painting.

The Mural is ornamented with an original ribbon, hand crafted from ancient sketches in Yakov's workshop. Distinctive Yakov's sign is also placed in the right bottom corner.

Cupids make the whole composition multi-dimensional and more entertaining.

When creating a composition layout Yakov has taken weeks to carefully and respectfully study the artwork of Michelangelo. In order to implement his original ratio, Yakov thoroughtfully measured and copied all fragments, so that the near analog could be replicated.

The result has overwhelming! The whole mural not only become a primary attraction of the living room and an entire house, but also become a symbolic artwork for Kandinovs, that is being recognized as his signature style.
